Dec 11, 2011

Eco-friendly Moderation

In the bewildering mix of eco-friendly, organic, sustainable living philosophies it’s sometimes hard to know how to act. Should we stop drinking coffee because it’s outside our 100-mile diet or drink more if it’s fair trade and supports third world farmers? And what about shopping at Wal-mart? Are they to be avoided because of their appalling employee practices or patronized because they’re one of the biggest purchasers of organic cotton?
Unfortunately, there’s no clear answer. Indeed, some of these contemporary living philosophies directly contradict one another. One camp says don’t eat meat, the other says eat-up as long as your meat is local, hormone-free and cooked as per the ‘slow food movement.’
So what’s a person to do? Firstly, do something. We all need to work toward a more earth-friendly future even if we just stop using our car so much or bring our own mug to our favourite coffee shop. Wise consumer choices also help -- Wal-mart wouldn’t stock organic cotton if we didn’t demand it.
But our attempt to live sustainably needs to be tempered with a dose of moderation. We could worry ourselves silly trying to live the most organic, eco-friendly life possible (in fact there is now an eating disorder for people who are obsessed with healthy eating) until it becomes such a strain we throw in the sustainable living towel and do nothing. 
So shop local if you can or bike to work one day a week. But have fun breaking the rules, too: I recommend a bottle of non-organic Australian wine and a cracker topped with creamy French brie and thin slices of prosciutto. Bon appetit!

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