1. If your best gluten-intolerant, vegan friend has accepted the invite make sure there’s something on the menu she can eat.
2. Pick a food theme – Mexican, west coast, Japanese, Italian – it makes it easier to choose dishes and decide what type of drinks guests should bring to accompany the meal.
3. Decide if you want the caterers to drop and run or if you want them to stay and serve. That way if you’re doing the last-minute food prep you can make sure it really is last-minute, and doesn’t involve you slaving over dish preparation.
4. Always round up guest numbers when ordering. Seems like this will only benefit the caterers, but not so. It’s much better to have a couple of day’s worth of professionally prepared leftovers than starving guests.
And finally choose tried and true caterers. A couple of my Vancouver Island favourites are Sharon and Chris Hooten of Woodfire Pizza & Grill (responsible for the delights in the above photos) and Ann Matthews from Occasions Occasions (250-390-2588); for those on the mainland Owen Lightly from Butter on the Endive comes highly recommended. Here’s to a truly unforgettable New Year’s Eve celebration.