Dec 11, 2011

The Most Depressing Day of the Year

When the delights of Christmas and New Year’s are, in this fast-paced world, distant memories, you've broken your New Year's resolutions, the bills are rollin' in and the realization dons on you that there are still at least two more months of grey, drippy, weather guess what? You're ready for what experts have deemed the most depressing day of the year -- the third Monday in January. 

Frankly, I don't feel like being depressed just two weeks into the New Year, so I'm trying to figure out how I can stay lighthearted and happy when this day rolls around.

Options I’ve come up with so far:

1.    Move and don’t leave a forwarding address so my credit card bills never reach me.
2.    Go on holiday somewhere hot so I actually don’t have to deal with the grey, drippy weather AND can also avoid the credit card bills.
3.    Buy one of those sun lamps and create a mini-beach in my living room.
4.    Form a support group made up of very generous wealthy people who can either a) pay my bills or b) fly me south for the rest of the winter or c) both.
5. OR just realize the depression is inevitable and live it up as much as I can over the holidays

I think I'm going to go with option five. 

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