Dec 16, 2011

It's official - stop doing so much

Eddy Campbell, president of the University of New Brunswick, said something a few months back that was so profound, yet so simple, I wondered why no one had said it before: “Up until now, we’ve been trying to do more with less. I think we probably need to have some very serious conversations about doing less with less.”

I’ll leave the discussion about who originally introduced the idea that we should all ‘do more with less’ for another editorial. But, as I pondered Campbell’s words of wisdom, I remembered the words of poet Robert Browning (which have been adopted by everyone from authors to advertisers to new age philosophers): ‘Less IS more’. Suddenly, I realized I could prove without a doubt that Campbell’s theory is correct. So, here comes the math bit:

If it’s true, as Browning says, that ‘less’ = ‘more’, than the word ‘more’ in the phrase ‘do more with less’ should be replaced with the word ‘less’ so that it reads ‘do less with less’ – exactly what Campbell is suggesting. (Of course, you could also argue the opposite and have the phrase read 'do more with more' -- another perfectly valid and reasonable idea).

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by requests at work or at home to continue to do more with less – whether ‘less’ refers to less time, less money, less support – I suggest you show your employer this editorial and/or cut it out and stick it to your fridge as a reminder that we should all in fact be doing less with less.

Confused? Then the next time you see me let’s talk…because I really think I’ve figured it all out…more or less

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