Dec 15, 2011

Go Raw or Go Home

There’s a new restaurant in downtown Nanaimo and it's raw -- full of raw food that is. Adding fuel to the fire of a Nanaimo food trend (check out Rawmbas too), proprietor Toni Jeffires has created a gorgeous cafe, focused on the delights of raw food, the Power House Living Foods Co. This doesn't mean you'll be eating food only fit for rabbits. Far from it. You can try to-die for cheesecakes and other desserts and a plethora of delicious and healthy smoothies including the Euphoria, a moreish  mixture of  bananas, cacoa, maca, agave, mint and vanilla. There are also a variety of entrees including olive tapenade pizza, wraps and, my favourite, the Pad Thai Salad -- chock full of rice noodles, bell peppers, bean sprouts, carrots, almonds, and a delicious sauce.
A raw food version of Pad Thai.

So what is raw food and why bother? According to Raw Food Life a raw food diet consists of unprocessed vegan foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees Celsius). The theory is that by only cooking foods at a low temperature you ensure none of the nutrients are destroyed. The jury is out on whether or not that’s actually true but what is true is the food at Toni's place is delicious. Best of all, if the raw food proponents are to be believed, even the cheesecakes can be enjoyed without a side of guilt.

One of the desserts -- a delicious lemon ball. 
Price $3-$10

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