Well, I just did something I never dreamed I’d do - I registered for a 10km run. Now, before you stop reading because to you 10km is a walk in the park, please take a moment to consider my running history. Until I was about 38.5 I carefully avoided any activity where I might be forced to move faster than a brisk walk, unless powered by two or more wheels. For example, my high school had cross-country trails that went though heavily wooded forest. That meant I could walk most of the way, enjoying the birdsong and day dreaming to my heart’s content. I only shifted to running mode after emerging from the forest, when the beady eyes of my PE teacher could spot what I was doing. At university I had the good fortune of getting a doctor to diagnose me with ‘flat feet’, a condition that came with strict orders to wear Birkenstocks and -- you guessed it -- avoid running.
Since then, I had heeded her advice.
So why this change of heart? Well, it may be because the run I’m in comes with a post-race massage. It’s also because I’m doing this with a bunch of girlfriends, and any activity that involves girlfriend time is an activity worth doing. It’s helping me stay in shape, which is important at my advancing age. But the main reason I’m doing this is because I’d forgotten how challenging yourself to do something outside your comfort zone can make you feel, well, alive. Even when I’m panting along, thinking ‘dear god where is the end of the trail’, I feel (mentally) happy and excited about life. So here’s to adding a bit of spice to the every day same ol’ , same ol’, by stepping (or running) outside your comfort zone, and hopefully having a damn good time while doing it.
Wonderful blog, Janina. Especially enjoyed the very informative one about the wineries on the islands! Thanks.