Looking at the long weekend weather from the vantage point of Friday morning, it looks like our worst-weather-on-the-west-coast summer might, finally, be shifting. I hope this proves to be true and you’re all reading this with a smile on your sun-kissed faces. If not then read on – this is your reminder of what our summers are usually like and why you don’t need to pack up and move to warmer climes. Because the reason we live where we do is there’s no better place on earth than the west coast during a proper summer. Where else can you…
…catch a Pacific salmon in the afternoon and barbecue it for dinner accompanied by locally brewed beer or a delightful BC vintage
…take a break from the summer heat wandering through rainforests
…buy, beg, borrow or steal a boat and cruise through sheltered waters accompanied by speckled seals, orcas, dolphins, eagles, cormorants etc
…sip a beverage of choice at an ocean side pub and watch the sunset over some of the most spectacular mountains in the world
…spend hours at the beach, discovering purple starfish, limpets, crabs, and tiny fish
…jump, dive, somersault off spectacular sandstone cliffs, or just go for a swim in ocean water warmed by sundrenched sand and rocks
…camp surrounded only by local wildlife
…spend lazy summer evenings at the beach with a picnic dinner.
I could go on but word count restricts me. But maybe, if the summer weather continues to fluctuate madly, we should start a Sounder column about our favourite west coast summer activities. At least that way we can remember why we actually live here…or is that just a painful reminder of what we’re missing out on?
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